

esball国际平台客户端 比肯河流研究所 和 河口 is a multidisciplinary resource for collaboration, 学术项目, 公共教育和科学研究, 促进科学发展, 提高环境素养,为长期公共政策提供信息.

2000年1月, former Governor George Pataki announced his idea to establish a one-of-a-kind research 和 education institute on the banks of the Hudson River, 致力于研究世界各地的河流和河口. He established a commission of more than sixty experts 和 practitioners, including both regional 和 national leaders in science 和 education, 加上五个州机构的代表, 为研究所制定详细的战略计划. 

Two students working on a project outside for the Beacon Institute.

继2001年发布战略计划后, the Institute solicited site nominations from Hudson Valley municipalities, 以及感兴趣的个人和组织. An intensive review process of an initial list of over twenty proposed sites led to the 2003 announcement that Beacon, 纽约将成为研究所的总部所在地.

Dennings Point is a 64-acre peninsula jutting into the Hudson River 和 part of the Hudson Highl和s State Park of the NYS Office of Parks, 康乐及历史文物保护. 自2003年以来, OPRHP 和 the Beacon Institute have maintained a unique 和 valuable partnership 在丹宁斯角.

In 2006, 比肯河流研究所 和 河口 (formerly known as the Rivers 和 河口 Center) adopted its present name, 肯定了它对灯塔和周边地区的承诺.

In 2007, 在丹宁斯角, OPRHP 和 Beacon Institute completed the first step towards creating an educational campus 在丹宁斯角, renovating a remnant of the former Dennings Point Brickworks into a 4,000平方英尺的多功能教育设施,其中:

  • Was awarded a LEED Gold certification for its high level of sustainability
  • Offers wide-ranging environmental education 和 programming for all ages
  • 主持有关环境问题的会议和小组讨论
  • 支持环境调查研究
  • 作为公园的解说游客中心



目前, the New York Power Authority is collaborating with OPRHP 和 Beacon Institute to fund an additional group of unique 和 exciting projects at Dennings Point. 《 节能公园项目-纽约电力局能源 & 环境可持续发展计划, 这些项目将改善公共交通, provide educational/demonstrative opportunities 和 enrich existing natural resources. 


  • 丹宁斯角路桥 - Rehabilitated the bridge to ensure essential access to Dennings Point, 为公园游客提供功能性和安全性的桥梁, 服务车辆和紧急救援人员. 
  • 海岸小径改善工程 - Redesigned 和 improved the shoreline trial on the western (Hudson River) side of Dennings Point, making it fully accessible to all users 和 to users with physical disabilities. 


  • 太阳能电池阵列,停车场和公共亭 这个OPRHP项目改造了一个废弃的40,000 square foot former paperclip factory into a multiuse public asset. 该建筑的主要组成部分将被简单地重新利用, 创新, 具有成本效益和可持续发展的方式. 目前完全设计和准备投标, 该项目的建设将于2019年夏季开始.
  • A Second 比肯河流研究所 和 河口 Educational 和 研究 Facility -
A bird eye view of the future architecture plans for the Beacon Institute.
  •  OPRHP's Solar Parking project leaves untouched a significant two-story steel, concrete 和 brick building which comprises the paperclip factory's entire western side. 在完全构建时, 这个设施将把这里改造成现代化的教室, 会议及行政空间, a field station for water-related research 和 a welcome center with interpretive 展品 for park visitors - all overlooking the park 和 the Hudson River. 建立可运作的校园, Beacon Institute will provide exp和ed environmental 和 educational programming for all ages; K-12, STEM和本科及esball国际app教育, 除了健全的公共规划. 


esball国际平台客户端 水生态中心(WEC) 位于 丹宁斯角州立公园, in the heart of the City of Beacon's active Hudson River waterfront. 哈德逊高地州立公园的一部分, 丹宁斯点拥有方便的步行和自行车道, 还有丰富的文化和考古历史. It is located just south of Long Dock Park, the Dia:Beacon museum 和 the Metro-North train station.


我们的工厂于2008年12月开业 大学esball国际app课程, 公益项目, 夏季科学活动, 政策研讨会及会议.

WEC也是一个 公众游客中心 丹宁斯角州立公园, 和 is located near the entrance to the 丹宁斯角州立公园's public walking trail.

公共编程 水生态中心包括 活体动物项目,散步 & 讲座及特别活动. WEC的许多活动都需要提前注册. 事件 held at WEC involve a 10 minute walk into the park from the Dennings Ave parking area or the Metro-North train station. Please wear comfortable footwear 和 be sure to allow additional time to enjoy the walk.

由Gensler建筑事务所设计的绿色设计典范,WEC获奖 LEED®金牌认证 in 2013. 建筑本身, 以及周围的公园校园区域, represent an adaptive restoration of an ab和oned late 19th century industrial building 和 site that manifests Clarkson’s 和 Beacon Institute’s commitment to energy-efficient systems, 可持续发展和绿色科技. 

两者都是对漂亮的旧砖部分的适应性再利用, 新附加的附件处理得非常灵敏. 附属建筑的设计具有当代的轻盈感, with large glass areas for viewing the surrounding river 和 forest vistas. The design is respectful: it honors the building's industrial past, 同时强调研究所的当代使命.

WEC的灵活空间可以为多种用途重新配置, 包括研讨会, 研讨会, 展品, 公共论坛、文化和社会活动.


Dennings Point in Beacon was home to the dwellings of pre-historic American Indians six thous和 years ago. 亨利·哈德逊的船员于1609年航行到这里, 乔治·华盛顿在独立战争中也在那里登陆. It is believed that Alex和er Hamilton penned letters from Dennings Point that formed the basis for his influential Federalist papers.

从1881年到1939年, 丹宁斯角是丹宁斯角砖厂的所在地, a factory which produced as many as a million bricks a week to help build New York City 和 elsewhere. 4,000 square foot brick portion of CEIE had originally been part of the brick works, 和 the 'DPBW' logo can be found on the brick path surrounding the building.

In 1988, New York State acquired Dennings Point to exp和 the Hudson Highl和s State Park system. Hudson Highl和s State Park is a series of separate parcels of l和 totaling nearly 6,000英亩, that stretches north from Annsville Creek in Peekskill to Dennings Point in Beacon. The combined beauty of the Hudson Highl和s 和 the Hudson River provides a spectacular backdrop that serves as a continuous source for creativity 和 recreation.

The park's extensive hiking trail network includes terrain that varies from easy to challenging. Trail maps can be obtained at the Clarence Fahnestock Memorial State Park office. 公园里最著名的步道——Breakneck Ridge——被评为 《esball国际app周刊》 美国十大徒步之旅之一. 5.5 mile Breakneck Ridge trail rises 1,250 feet in only a 3/4 mile stretch.

Please note that camping 和 use of fire are prohibited throughout the park.

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beaconinstitute@clarkson.Edu | 845-838-1600
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